Category: How-To

Live Scoring For Multiple Tables Now Available

What is live scoring compared to a scoreboard? Live scoring is a publicly available web page to be shared with users that are not able to attend the live stream, where the scoreboards are being displayed. Scoreboard URLs produced by the app are mostly used by the live streaming team, or used on TVs in…
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Scoreboard Templates Available Online

Need help getting started with your scoreboard? We have templates to get you started. Open Scoreboard has a number of pre-made scoreboards that you can import into your editor. You can find all the available templates here. Importing Templates

Getting Started

Do you want to add a scoreboard on top of your video? You’ve come to the right place. Open Scoreboard is a web based software to assist you with adding a scoreboard to any video or live stream. Requirements Streaming Software Setup There are many different softwares for streaming or recording video with custom overlays…
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Creating Your Own Scoreboard

Creating Custom Scoreboards To create a custom scoreboard, you must create an account at

How to Create a Tournament and Share it with Others

In this article we are going to cover the process of creating a tournament, and how to allow others to help keep scores for the tables.